The Young Investigator (YI) Programme:

This Programme is designed for biomedical and social sciences graduates or post graduates, interested in building a career in research. It focuses on developing a pipeline of investigators in our institutions who are capable of leading projects independently.

Each YI in the programme follows a tailored development planguided by mentors. The program includes acquisition of specific knowledge, skill sets, competence in research management and leadership with well-defined time bound targets.


To create a pipeline of independent researchers who could ultimately serve as Principal Investigators by:

  • Developing skills to view health issues on a broad continuum from local to international perspective.
  • Developing management and epidemiologic skills to address the health needsof, under-served populations.
  • Enhancing ability to synthesize clinical and population-based approaches to disease prevention and health promotion.
  • Building skills in ascertainment and application of knowledge for betterment of public health.
  • Enhancing skills in analysis and manuscript writing.


  • Bio-medical and social sciences graduate or postgraduate degree.
  • Interest in building a career in research.
  • Excellent academic record.
  • Adequate knowledge of public health research.

Achievement Targets For Young Investigators:

At the end of five years participants are expected to have:

  • Published at least four papers,as the first author in at least two of them.
  • Enrolled in a PhD program.
  • Received a grant for the implementation of at least one proposal.
  • Engaged in the implementation of a project as its principal investigator.