PhD Enrollments:


1. Ranadip Chowdhury: Role of Vitamin-D in infection, Growth, anemia and neurodevelopment.
University: University of Bergen, Norway.

2. Bireshwar Sinha: Effect of community initiated kangaroo mother care in low birth weight infants on infant breast milk intake, gut inflammation, maternal depressive symptoms and stress.
University: University of Bergen, Norway.

3. Ravi Upadhyay: Nutritional interventions during infancy to improve neurodevelopmental outcomes in resource constrained settings.
University: University of Bergen, Norway (in process).

4. Tarun Shankar Choudhary: Not finalized as yet. Tentative area identified: Health System and Health Policy Research.
University: University of Bergen, Norway (in process).


1. Sindhu Balakumar:“Impact of maternally derived antibodies and infant microbiota on the immunogenicity of Rotavirus vaccines in Indian infants”.
University: The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University..

2. Nayana p Nair: Costing of diarrhoeal illness among under five children and the cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccines in India.
University: Shree Chithira Thirunal Institute for Medical Science and Technology (SCTIMST), Thiruvananthapuram..

3. Arun KS: Effect of early childhood malnutrition and infections on the physical and cognitive development during the later stages of childhood.
University:Shree Chithira Thirunal Institute for Medical Science and Technology (SCTIMST), Thiruvananthapuram.


1. Sudipto Roy: Care-seeking practices of and barriers to care-seeking for pneumonia in children aged less than five years in tribal and non-tribal rural areas of Pune district, India.
University: University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

2. Aditi Apte: Nanotechnology for transdermal delivery of micronutrients for prevention and treatment of nutritional deficiencies’.
University: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.

3. Rutuja Patil: To assess the feasibility of using a well-established Tele-consultation facility (Micro-health centre) in management of COPD and asthma in a resource constrained remote rural area.
University: University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

4. Hanif Shaikh: Effect of maternal influenza immunization on maternal and neonatal outcomes in Pune area.
University: Savitribai Phule Pune University.