The harmful effects of use of biomass for cooking on health (respiratory, pulmonary and vision) are known. Moreover, research has shown that exposure of pregnant women to Indoor-Air-Pollution (IAP) results in lower birth weights leading to many further complications. Women and children are majorly affected by IAP and it is utmost important to imbibe the idea of changing the cooking practices and clarifying the perceptions of use of LPG of the community. The Young investigators of KEMHRC Pune conceptualized a film to address this issue. This film makes an effort to inform all such perceptions by showcasing a family of a pregnant woman to bless an era where she adopts new way of cooking for healthy family. This film has won a National award at 8th National Science Film Festival organized by Vigyan Prasar and was screened at KEMHRC on 16th march 2018. This fiilm will help convince the population to use LPG and will promote use of LPG especially during pregnancy for better health of their feotus and newborns.

Annapurna screening March 2018
Annapurna scree...
Annapurna screening March 2018
Annapurna scree...
Annapurna screening March 2018
Annapurna scree...
Annapurna screening March 2018
Annapurna scree...
Annapurna screening March 2018
Annapurna scree...