Improved maternal health and survival, growth and development of newborns and children in India.


     To develop a platform of institutions for innovative, impactful research on maternal health, newborn and child survival, growth and development and create a model research mechanism to generate information with local understanding, scientific rigor and speedy delivery.

Five Principles that Guide Our Actions:

  • Focus on integrated health, survival, growth and development interventions.

  • Create a replicable sustainable model.

  • Strengthen research capacity and leadership.

  • Maximize the benefits from large trials and population-based surveillance.

  • Influence policy and programme action.

 Addressing MCH Reserch Gaps:Our Strategic Choices:

  • Prioritize the “1000-days plus” window. 

  • Address various risk factors concomitantly.

  • Integrate promotion of growth and development.

  • Apply new tools andexamine mechanisms- physiology, metabolism and immunity.

  • Combine actions in health with other sectors, such as environment or education.

  • Look for solutions that respond to complex causation and develop a process of change.